- 2.17 KB
Basic Usage
const { cleanup } = createZoomImageWheel(container)
// Call cleanup when you don't need it anymore
Type Declaration
type ZoomImageWheelState = {
currentZoom: number
enable: boolean
currentPositionX: number
currentPositionY: number
// rotation in degree -
// Supported values: 0, 90, 180, 270
currentRotation: number
type Listener = (state: ZoomImageWheelState) => void
type ZoomImageWheelStateUpdate = {
currentZoom: number
enabled: boolean
currentRotation: number
type ZoomImageWheelOptions = {
// Maximum zoom scale, default is 4
maxZoom?: number
// Zoom ratio when scrolling, default is 0.1
wheelZoomRatio?: number
// Animation duration for zooming on double tap, default is 300 ms
dblTapAnimationDuration?: number
// Partial or full initial state
// useful for storing previous zoomed state and re-initialize it on load
initialState?: Partial<ZoomImageWheelState>
// Predicate function to determine if zoom should be triggered on a single touch action
shouldZoomOnSingleTouch?: () => boolean
function createZoomImageWheel(
container: HTMLElement,
options?: ZoomImageWheelOptions,
): {
// Remove all event listeners
cleanup: () => void
// Subscribe to state changes, returns a function to unsubscribe
subscribe: (listener: Listener) => () => void
// Update current state
setState(value: ZoomImageWheelStateUpdate): void
// Get current state
getState: () => ZoomImageWheelState